LUNEDI – HD W|U 3RNFT 30” DB Plank 30” Alt Db Row 30” DB HHClean 30” P.Press (3” stop Dip) 10’ to find 4 RM Press Then Deload -10% 2 x 4 Then deload -10% 2 x 4 @31×1 Rest 90” BTS SPORT 12’ AMRAP 10 Mb SitUps 20 Alt. Leggi tutto…

24/09 – 29/09

LUN w|u ALT EMOM 9' (30" ON\30" OFF) Ring Row Down and Up air squat Teams of 3 AMRAP 25: 40 Chest to Bar\Pull-Ups 50 Barbell-Facing Burpees 60 Thrusters C|o 2x ME Hollow Position (rest 1') MAR  w|u alt tabata  hollow rock arch rock SKILL TTB then EMOM 7' 5 Leggi tutto…

18/9 – 25/09

LUNEDI W|U 3 ROUNDS 30 Alt Mountain Climbers 20 Alt Slow DeadBug 10 Slow TuckCrunch Rest 30” WORK ON : KIPPING PULLUPS / BUTTERFLY EMOM 10’ 20”ON | 40” OFF @ME (With Soft Ball) SPORT AMRAP 15’ | 2’ON – 1’OFF 10 Thruster @40/30 8 Lateral Burpees C|O 1’ Pike Leggi tutto…

10/15 09

Lunedi wup 3 x 400mt run 10 Airsquat 10 alt. Downward dog s.tap wod Every 90” x 10 sets 2 Dl + 4 Hhpclean @60/40 Amrap wallball cout 1’+1’Hip flexor stretching 1’+1’ QL stretching martedi wup 20’ Skill hand stand walk // hand stand wod 10 round 15” pullup 30” Leggi tutto…


LUNEDI w|u 2x 7 Plate gtoh 7 Squat jump 7 Plate situp\situp sport (Open 12.3) AMRAP 18' 15 Box jump 12 Push press @52/35 9 Ttb c|o 6 6 6 6 Strict Pullup Rest 1’  MARTEDI w|u AMRAP 6' 8 calf raises (1-2 sec on top) 8 Banded rotation 4 Leggi tutto…