WEEK 01/06.04

LUN ED WUP 800 run WOD 0-28’ 1’ – 200 run 2’ – 15/12 swing 3’ – 15/12 boxjump 4’ – rest COUT 12 x 10” ON 10” OFF Hollowbody position MART WL WUP 4 round 10 mt bear crawl 10 mt quadruped crawl 10 mt crab walk active rest Leggi tutto…

WEEK 25/30.03

LunedìED WUP 1200mt run WOD 3 superset 2’30” 200mt run + max rep SDHP rest 2’ 2’30” 400 mt run + max rep swing @32/24 rest 2’ COUT couch stretching 1’+1’ pigeon 1’+1’ hamstring stretch 1’+1’ Martedì WUP [A/B] A+B – [B/A] B+A [narrow grip dead hang 30” / kang Leggi tutto…

WEEK 18/23.03

LUN HD WUP 2x 10 Lounges RNT 10 + 10 Scorpion Kick WOD 20’ to find 2RM Back Squat then 3×5 @50% COUT 3×10 seated box jump @higher MART WUP 5rft 30” inchworn to rev snowangel 5 Ring Row 30” Skip WOD 3x Amrap 4’ 9 Pullup 15 Jerk @50/35 Leggi tutto…


LUN wup 3 Sets of: 5 Hollow Banded pull down 5 Box Dips Skill Bar Muscle Ups wod 3 Rounds of: 10 Power Snatch 30 DU 20 Sit-Up 30 DU cout Banded Gainer overhead 1’+1’ MART wup 3 Sets of: 10 Air squat 10 Good morning @ebb 10 Downward & Leggi tutto…

WEEK 04-09.03

LUN wup 4round 12 Jumping lounges 8 Banded press @2112 work on split jerk @ebb wod 10 set every 90” 3 heavy split jerk cout Death by Boxjump + swing 1+1 15’ MART wup 3set 20”on 10” off GTOH D+U Hang bar wod 200mt OH carry plate @20/15 Then 35 Leggi tutto…