Week 27.05/01.06

LUNEDÌ WUP 20” on – 10” off 4x Dead Hang 3x Scapular Pullups 2x Ring row WOD EMOM 10’ 5-10 Strict Pullups COUT 3 Rounds for Time 20 WB @9/6 20 KBS @32/25 200 m run MARTEDÌ WUP 3 Rounds of 10 Plate Good Morning 5+5 Single Leg KB DL Leggi tutto…

WEEK 20/25.05

LUN wup Emom 8’ Odd: straight arms Banded pull down in Hollow Body Position Even: deep bar swing Skill Practice on BMU Transition: low bar and feet on plate wod 7-5-3 BMU 10+10 KB snatch @24/16 cout B&A MART team wup 3 Rounds: 10” on – 20” off -Plate jump Leggi tutto…

Week 13/17.05

LUNEDÌ WUP SNATCH PRIMER 5 Set (2@PVC+3@ebb) of: 2 Snatch DL 2 High Hang Muscle Snatch 2 Hang Power Snatch (2” catch position) 2 Squat Snatch (2” at the knee and catch position) WOD 15’ to find 3 Heavy Squat Snatch (Drop&Go) COUT Belly to bar 5-5-5-5-5 Rest 60” b/t Leggi tutto…

Week 6/11.05

LUNEDÌ WUP EMOM 9’ (40” on – 20” off) Banded PVC pull down (feet on MB) Box Dips Bar swings SKILL Bar Muscle Ups WOD 10 Rounds of: 2 BMU 4 Pistols 8 KB swing @32/24 COUT B&A MARTEDÌ WUP 3 Rounds of: 10 Alternate Bird Dog (2” pause) 10 Leggi tutto…

WEEK 29.04 / 04.05

LUN HD WUP 5rft 5 good morning 2” bottom 10mt quadruped walk 1” pause each step WOD DEADLIFT 5×5 3” attivazione in bottom 3” pause ginocchio COUT 5rft 10 2kb floor press from flute bridge 10 chin up MART gym WUP SKILL ring dip WOD 5 rft 10 rind dip Leggi tutto…

Week 23/27.04

MART wup 3 Rounds: 8+8 one leg single DL @ebb 8+8 Cossack squat 45” Wall Sit wod Back Squat 6 x 7 – tempo Then 3 x 3 @same weight cout 100 American Swing @24/16 Every minute perform 5 burpees MERC wup 4 Rounds: 5 plate jumps (1 rep Leggi tutto…

Week 15/20.04

LUN wup Hollow Body Hold 8 set 20” on – 20” off Skill Ring Muscle Ups cout 3 Rounds of: 40 Double Unders 20 Deadlift @80/50 2 RMU MART wup 3 Rounds of: 20 Plank toe touch 10 Down&Up 10 Plate GTOH wod 200m run 10 Kb Snatch 15 burpees Leggi tutto…

WEEK 08/13.04

LUN HD WUP 3 set 8+8 single leg deadlift 12 goblet squat 8+8 alt. elbow plank alt. leg lift 2” top WOD 6 x 5 back squat @tempo 3321 then 3×3 same weight no tempo rest 90” COUT ladder 10-1 one arm floor press flute bridge (db/kb) one arm bent Leggi tutto…

WEEK 01/06.04

LUN ED WUP 800 run WOD 0-28’ 1’ – 200 run 2’ – 15/12 swing 3’ – 15/12 boxjump 4’ – rest COUT 12 x 10” ON 10” OFF Hollowbody position MART WL WUP 4 round 10 mt bear crawl 10 mt quadruped crawl 10 mt crab walk active rest Leggi tutto…

WEEK 25/30.03

LunedìED WUP 1200mt run WOD 3 superset 2’30” 200mt run + max rep SDHP rest 2’ 2’30” 400 mt run + max rep swing @32/24 rest 2’ COUT couch stretching 1’+1’ pigeon 1’+1’ hamstring stretch 1’+1’ Martedì WUP [A/B] A+B – [B/A] B+A [narrow grip dead hang 30” / kang Leggi tutto…