LUNEDI – HD PRESS W|U ALT EMOM 9’ 6+6 Half Kneeling Kb press @3232 40” Standing With MB (arms straight) 40” Warm Walk STRENGTH 12’ to Find 3RM PRESS -10% 2×3 -5% 2×3 @31X1 Rest 90” BTS SPORT FOR TIME 27 VUps 21 Front Rack lounges 18 VUps 15 Front Leggi tutto…

22 – 27 OTTOBRE

LUNEDI – ED W|U 3 RNFT 10+10 Lateral Single Leg StepUp 20mt Death March 10 Heavy Swing Then 7’ Pose Running Drills TEST 7’ Run @ME CONDITIONING AMRAP 8’ 30 Double Unders 20 Alt Mountain Climbers 10 Down N Up 5 Snatch @50/40 – 40/30 C|O 1’+1’ Single Leg Mezieres Leggi tutto…

Kids 15/20

Mart. 16 wup plank Duckwalk Würstel skill Deadlift wod Ladder 1-10 Ring row Pushup Airsquat cout Game Mart. 16 wup Burpees Hollow Superman skill Pullup//bar swing wod Amrap Run Kb deadlift cout Game


LUNEDI – GYMTEST W|U 3 RNFT 10 PullApart 10 Reverse PullApart 10 Kneeling Hollow PullDown Rest 45” BTS TEST Find max UB pullup Then EVERY 2’ x 6 -50% (+1) @MAXUB every minute SPORT FOR TIME 30 Burpees touch 20 Db Snatch @20/15 5 / 3 Rope Climb (Leg less Leggi tutto…


LUNEDI – TW W|U 4 RNFT 7 Scapular PushUps From Elbow 14 7+7 Shrimp Squat 21 Alt and Slow Shoulder Touch From Quad Position SPORT TEAM OF 2 – I Go U GO AMRAP 15’ – 2’on / 1’off 14 RingDips 28 Alt Pistol 56 Double Unders C|O 2 x Leggi tutto…